Retirement Strategies Ltd.
Jay has been a Partner with Retirement Strategies since 1993. In addition to managing client affairs, Jay's additional responsibilities at Retirement Strategies include client development, community outreach as well as coordination of employee education programs. He also coordinates and implements employer sponsored health and retirement plans for local businesses.A graduate from The Ohio State University with a B.S. degree in Finance in 1993, Jay has also attained the Certified Financial Planner (CFP®) designation, Chartered Life Underwriter (CLU®) designation, Chartered Financial Consultant (ChFC®) designation as well as serves as partner for RS Tax & Accounting Services.Due to our mission of giving back to our community through service and education, Jay, along with Jerry Snyder of Retirement Strategies, founded and currently is President of a 501C3 organization called Central Ohio Professional Education Council (COPEC) where Retirement Strategies serves and donates hundreds of hours of management and expert financial advice each year to the community at no cost to them.In Addition to leading COPEC, Jay also serves on the board of Future Possibilities, a 501C3 kid coach initiative to mentor at risk youth. Jay also is a long time Kiwanis Club member, an advisory committee member for Nationwide Children's Hospital Reach out and Read Child Literacy program, a committee member and volunteer for the Chris Spielman GridIron Classic for Breast Cancer Research, a member of the Leadership Dublin class of 2010 and a member of the advisory committee for the Central Ohio Miracle League, which provides a safe and accessible baseball league format for special needs children.
Financial Wellness
Do you know the steps to take charge of your financial future? Today, more women than ever are responsible for their financial well-being, and the well-being of their families. But women often face unique financial challenges. That’s why it’s so important that no matter what life stage they’re in, women know how to save, invest, and plan for their future.In this seminar on Women and Money, you will learn: Reasons why women’s economic clout is growingThe unique financial challenges women face, such as longer life expectancy and more career breaks for care giving, and how they impact long-term financial securitySix steps women can take to help them achieve financial security, including taking control of their money, becoming more knowledgeable investors, advocating for themselves in the workplace, planning for retirement, protecting their income and assets, and creating an estate plan
Financial Wellness
Will your retirement savings outlive you? With each year, more baby boomers turn age 65 and face a retirement that may last 30 years or longer. But many of these new retirees will have to provide their own retirement income as fewer retirees have a traditional pension plan they can depend on as a source of income.In this seminar on Variable Annuities, you will learn: What a variable annuity is and how it can provide you with supplemental lifetime income beyond traditional retirement sources such as IRAs and 401(k)s The key features of immediate and deferred annuities Putting money into a variable annuity The different types of annuity payout options and factors affecting payouts
Financial Wellness
Are you thinking about converting to a Roth IRA? Roth IRAs have become popular retirement savings vehicles because if certain conditions are satisfied, distributions from Roth IRAs are completely free from federal income taxes. Is a Roth conversion right for you? The answer is a complicated one, and depends on your particular situation, including whether you believe you’ll be in a higher tax bracket in the future.In this seminar, you will learn:The difference between Roth IRAs and traditional IRAsThe conditions that make a Roth IRA distributions free from federal income taxes, and contribution rules for Roth IRAsWays to convert a traditional IRA and/or employer retirement plan to a Roth IRAHow to calculate the conversion tax
Financial Wellness
When it comes to saving for retirement and planning for retirement income, women face a number of unique challenges. It’s important to recognize these challenges and plan accordingly.Attend the Retirement Savings Challenges for Women seminar, and you will learn:The importance of planning for retirementThe need to account for inflation, taxes, and the potential future cost of health careThe basics of Social Security retirement incomeWhat you can do now, and steps you can take as you get closer to retirement
Financial Wellness
Will you have enough money? Retirement income planning is the process of understanding how much income you’ll need during your retirement years to support the retirement lifestyle you want, and positioning your assets to provide that income. While there is no such thing as a “one size fits all” plan, there are steps you can take to maximize the possibility of a financially secure retirement.In this seminar on Retirement Income Planning, you will learn:How to plan for when your retirement will start, (including the impact of early retirement, delayed retirement, and working in retirement), how long it will last, and the retirement lifestyle you wantSteps to estimate the amount of money you will need in retirement to meet your goals, factoring in health-care costs, taxes, and inflationHow to supplement fixed income sources such as Social Security and an employer pension with your retirement savings, including the products and investment strategies you should consider, a sustainable withdrawal rate, and the best order to tap various accounts
Financial Wellness
Are your investments on track? The best investing strategy is a carefully planned and prepared approach to managing and accumulating money. A well-planned strategy can help you meet your short-term, mid-term, and long-term financial goals. Investment planning requires discipline and patience. But it doesn’t have to be difficult.In this seminar on Investment Planning, you will learn: Investment fundamentals, including the effects of inflation and compounding How to identify financial goals and time horizons How to measure your risk tolerance, and the relationship between risk and return The difference between cash equivalents, bonds, stocks and mutual funds, and the importance of asset allocation
Financial Wellness
Spend time talking finances with a Certified Financial Planner (CFP®). Have your employees submit questions ahead of time or just show up for an open round table discussion on financial planning issues important to you. This round table discussion is meant to have a maximum of 12 attendees and can include any other financial expert you choose. Insurance, Legal, Tax, Investment, etc…
Financial Wellness
Does your company implement a full and ongoing Financial Education Series to your employees? It is important to not underestimate the importance of offering comprehensive workplace financial education for the benefit of both the employees and employer. Workplace financial education remains the best arena for reaching the most people but is not living up to it’s potential. Also, if you provide a company sponsored retirement plan, you will want to qualify under your 404(c) protection by providing additional education opportunities to your participants.To Establish an ongoing Financial Education Series:Establish a frequency of education offerings (Semi-Monthly, Monthly, Quarterly)Select workshops that will fulfill a comprehensive learning experience including topics covering Financial Independence Planning, Investments, Insurance, Estate & Tax issuesEducation programming will not conflict with current Retirement Plan offerings and educationJust select this option to set up your own customized Employee Financial Education Series. We will contact you shortly to arrange a meeting.Sample 12 month offering schedule utilizing already established COPEC ProgrammingJanuary – Understanding & Organizing Your Vital DocumentsFebruary – Financial Planning Basics – 10 Critical Aspects to Your Financial WellnessMarch – Understanding Credit Reports and Credit ScoresApril – Preparing for Retirement – Retirement Planning 10 Years OutMay – Estate Planning 101 – BasicsJune – Investment BasicsJuly – Assisting Parents When They Need Your HelpAugust – College Planning or Housing Market & Home OwnershipSeptember – Social Security Income & Medicare PlanningOctober – Retirement Income Decisions – Retirement Planning 2 Years OutNovember – Estate Planning 102 – AdvancedDecember – Income Tax Preparation & Year End Strategies
Financial Wellness
Does your company provide an employee health fair? Consider including information on Financial Wellness as well. Financial problems or concerns about saving enough for retirement is one of the leading causes of employee stress in the workplace. Your employees need financial guidance and education and look to their employer to provide support where possible. Consider COPEC Financial Partners to supplement this outreach.Health Fair financial education providers will be supplied by COPEC Speaking Organizations under their private company name for clarity in expertise. Please clarify with each provider details on what you would like to provide and restrictions.
Financial Wellness
Are you saving enough for your child’s college? There’s no denying the benefits of a college education, especially the ability to compete in today’s competitive job market. But every year, college costs continue to increase, often at twice the rate of general inflation. That’s why it’s so important to start saving now.In this seminar on College Planning, you will learn: How much college will cost in the future Tax-advantaged ways to save for college, including 529 plans, Coverdell education savings accounts, custodial accounts and U.S. savings bonds The role of financial aid, including how need is determined and how assets are classified for federal aid purposes Other ways to fill the college funding gap
Financial Wellness
In this seminar on Annuity Basics, you’ll learn: an annuity defined, the key features of fixed vs. variable annuities and immediate vs. deferred annuities, how to put money in and take money out, and the different types of payout options.
Financial Wellness
Retirement Planning Basics including: how to make a retirement roadmap, how to estimate retirement expenses and income, and how to use tax-advantaged vehicles like IRAs andk 401(k)s.
Financial Wellness
Financial Planning Basics, including how to make a budge, credit fundamentals, investment concepts and estate planning concepts.