Welcome to COPEC

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What is COPEC?
COPEC is a 501c3 organization that has been serving Central Ohio since 2004, providing free financial wellness education and resources for businesses and organizations

Retirement Decisions Workshops

It is never too early to be thinking about your retirement decisions and strategies. Take part in one of our Retirement Decisions Workshops to learn from industry experts or to make sure you are on the right path to retire when you want to.

Educational Wellness Programs

COPEC offers a variety of financial educational opportunities across many disciplines. COPEC partners with local companies & associations by providing workshops, seminars or speakers to their employees, members & volunteers.

COPEC Blog articles & Resources

This is where we share tips, tricks, resources, and strategies. Whether financial, emotional, physical, professional, or social wellness, our speakers have written a few things down and are posting them here for your reading pleasure!